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Seneca Hill Private School

Young Artists Statement

Hello! We are the bright young artists of Seneca Hill Private School! 

We are elementary students ranging between 3 to 13 years old and have come together on a mission to prove to our community that art is everywhere - if you let your imagination soar! 


We take every day recycled materials, mix a little bit of colour and a whole lot of creativity and transform them into treasured works of art. Our art exhibition is a reflection of our boundless imagination, our love for the planet, and our belief that art is all around us. 


We love to explore different colours, use different textures and discover new materials. And we are not afraid to GET MESSY! 

Our collection is not just about art - it's about the message behind it. We want to show that creativity knows no age and that even the smallest hands can make a big impact on the world. It's about looking at things differently, about caring for our planet, and about expressing ourselves in vibrant, imaginative ways. As you wander through our exhibition, we invite you to see the world through our eyes.

We hope our art makes you smile! The Young Artists of Seneca Hill Private School

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